Call for Papers: New School Economic Review special issue on Structures, Regimes and Varieties of Contemporary Capitalism
We hereby invite you to submit your manuscripts to a special issue of the New School Economic Review (NSER) on the structures, regimes and varieties of contemporary capitalism. Potential topics include:
Social Structures of Accumulation, Regulation Theory and Varieties of Capitalism: similarities, differences, and critiques
Transformation in the structures, regimes and varieties of contemporary capitalism: Global South perspectives, the role of money, finance and global value chains, regional capitalist integration processes
Profit, rent, markets and digital platforms; new forms of accumulation and new channels of appropriation; shifts within capitalism versus transformation of capitalism to techno-feudalism
The COVID pandemic as a catalyst and multiplier for developments of contemporary capitalism
The limits and crisis of contemporary capitalism through the prism of structures, regimes and varieties
Politics and policy implications of the shifts and changes in the structures, regimes and varieties of contemporary capitalism
The NSER is a peer-reviewed, student-run economics journal that publishes original research in political economy, heterodox economics, and critical perspectives on economics. We encourage a diversity of subject matter and methodologies covering climate change topics in economics.
The NSER welcomes submissions from academics, practitioners, and students of all levels seeking to broaden and strengthen the foundational structure of the study of economic systems.
We will accept submissions of a variety of lengths, but please keep submissions to below 6,000 words. Manuscripts can be submitted in any format (MS Word, PDF, LaTeX etc.). Manuscripts should be in line with the Chicago Manual of Style. Full submission guidelines are available here.
Please submit your manuscript via the submission menu. Contact with any questions.
The deadline for submissions is December 1st, 2023.