Call for Papers: New School Economic Review special issue on climate change
We hereby invite you to submit your manuscripts to a special issue of the New School Economic Review (NSER) on the economics of climate change. Potential topics include:
- Climate change, climate disasters and climate justice
- The macroeconomics and macroeconomic policies of climate change
- Sustainable growth and climate change
- Challenges of climate finance
- Competition, clean technologies, resource use, R&D, innovation policy and obstacles to phasing in renewable energy (eg.: fossil fuel oligopolies)
- New frontiers of public policy: green infrastructure, food and agriculture, development policy, green jobs, carbon taxation and trading, resource management, migration, etc
- The role of the private sector: incentives, extractive industries, forestry, ESG, green jobs, resources use management, water management, innovation, etc
- The global south and new challenges to development policy: industrial policy, commodities, finance strategies, and conservation
The NSER is a peer-reviewed, student-run economics journal that publishes original research in political economy, heterodox economics, and critical perspectives on economics. We encourage a diversity of subject matter and methodologies covering climate change topics in economics.
The NSER welcomes submissions from academics, practitioners, and students of all levels seeking to broaden and strengthen the foundational structure of the study of economic systems.
We will accept submissions of a variety of lengths, but please keep submissions to below 6,000 words. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word of LaTeX formats. Manuscripts should be in line with the Chicago Manual of Style. Please see the NSER website for more details on paper format, and do not hesitate to contact NSER editors for clarifications or with any questions as they may arise.
Please submit your manuscript here or via the submission menu on the NSER website.
The deadline for submissions is April 21.
NSER Editorial Team